Awareness of what it really means to be a teacher and of teaching

Seminars, courses and in-service teacher training programs designed for EFL professionals.
Develop a sense of professionalism: a sense of pride in your profession, a sense of confidence in creativity. ETC seminar participants develop an overall awareness of what it really means to be a teacher, the most important aspect of which is a deep awareness of teaching as well as of self-development.

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— Language & Pronunciation Brush-ups,
— Teaching Techniques/Suggestions,
— EFL School Management Tips.

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«Το Παρόν, Στρατηγικές Καινοτομίας και οι ‘Γκρίζοι Ελέφαντες’ της Αλλαγής»

Εστιάζοντας στη νέα γενιά Μάνατζερς και Διευθυντών ΚΞΓλ, αντιμετωπίζουμε το παρόν (ΟΧΙ το μέλλον), και ακμάζουμε μέσα στην ‘καταιγίδα’. Ποιος ο ρόλος της πραγματικής καινοτομίας στη ζωή, στα στελέχη και στα σχολεία μας; Ποιοι είναι οι «γκρι ελέφαντες» των μελλοντολόγων στην προσωπική και επαγγελματική ζωή μας; Πώς τους ορίζουμε και πώς τους ‘χρησιμοποιούμε’ για να επικρατήσουμε και να εξελιχθούμε;

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Current Program

«Το Παρόν, Στρατηγικές Καινοτομίας και οι ‘Γκρίζοι Ελέφαντες’ της Αλλαγής»

Εστιάζοντας στη νέα γενιά Μάνατζερς και Διευθυντών ΚΞΓλ, αντιμετωπίζουμε το παρόν (ΟΧΙ το μέλλον), και ακμάζουμε μέσα στην ‘καταιγίδα’. Ποιος ο ρόλος της πραγματικής καινοτομίας στη ζωή, στα στελέχη και στα σχολεία μας; Ποιοι είναι οι «γκρι ελέφαντες» των μελλοντολόγων στην προσωπική και επαγγελματική ζωή μας; Πώς τους ορίζουμε και πώς τους ‘χρησιμοποιούμε’ για να επικρατήσουμε και να εξελιχθούμε;

The course was not only challenging and enlightening it was also a unique opportunity to explore ourselves and take a dive into the depth of our roles as teachers.  I enjoyed every second of it.


Career Pathways

Every time I leave one of these workshops I feel more self-confident. I'm looking forward to going back to school to start practicing what we've learned here.  What I liked most, is recognising that there are many people that CARE about their jobs and want to get better.  


Communication skills

Thank you for reminding me how fun teaching can be.  I feel as if I've just woken up and I ask myself, "What have I been doing all this time?"

It's easy to forget the person you want to be if you don't have that vision in mind. Thanks for helping me get my vision back.  Now I know what I have and what I want to do!


Inspiration, motivation and strength, three words that come to mind when describing these worshops.
Thank you for helping me realise that teaching is a mission and it takes much more that just being knowledgeable; for reminding me how important my profession is and how multi-dimensional it has become; for all the ideas, all the material and all the experience that you shared with us;  for your patience whenever we seemed to be lacking the power to follow your stream of thought.  

Thank you for inspiring me to become more effective more creative!


EFL Methodoly Update Course

 ...energetic, always well prepared, eager to clarify things and full of passion for what they do.

Their  time management was perfect.

Very useful tips and techniques. An inspiring and worthwhile seminar.

UoA Student

Teacher's Basic Tools

... two of the most gifted teachers I know... to have experienced their authority and leadership is magical.


Interested in Creativity in Language Teaching?

Ideas for Online and In Person Teaching