40 years of transforming EFL educators.
A “Blast from the Class'”
a leap into the future of teaching

. . . 40 years of transforming EFL educators. . .

“A ‘Blast from the Class’”

. . . a leap-into-the-future-of-teaching online event. . .

with Suzanne Antonaros, Lilika Couri, Asimenia Featham & Fred Featham, Anna Karanikola, Anastasia Lagiopoulou, Georgia Papas, Anastasia Karaoglani

Join us for a chance to learn, laugh and lift your spirits with fellow educators who’ve been in your shoes – and who’ve walked the extra mile!

Let’s celebrate ETC’s 40th anniversary!


Σουζάνα Αντωνάρος
“Time To Reflect: Brief Yet Powerful”
Getting To Know You And Me

Λιλίκα Κουρή
“AI Tools and Writing”
Our ‘friendly enemies’ support our learners

Asimenia Featham & Fred Featham
“From Little Acts to Big Impact”
Empowering children to make a difference and change the world.

Anna Karanikola
“Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes in the Classroom”
Adapting Nursery Rhymes to Teach Very Young Learners & Older Children

Anastasia Lagiopoulou
“Challenge Me”
Open-book Assessment in the Language Classroom

Georgia Papas
“The Magic of Storytelling: Transforming Words into ‘New Worlds’
Delve into the Art of Storytelling to Enchant Learners and Capture their Imagination

Anastasia Karaoglani
“ ‘Diva’ . . . et al”
A poetry reading finale!

Guest Presenters Bios

Asimenia Featham

Asimenia owns 2 language schools and is a dedicated educator, international guest speaker, and member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists UK. She holds an MSc in TE. A lifelong supporter of national and international charities, Asimenia has raised significant funds over the past 5 decades through educational initiatives. She is a distinguished champion of volunteering through her schools’ internationally acclaimed Anti-Bullying Campaign which celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. She is former Chair of QLS for which she continues to lead its award-winning Debate and Book Club programmes.

Fredrick Featham

Frederick is a British/Greek educationist and school owner. His multi-award-winning Anti-Bullying campaign has been recognised by organisations including The British Council, The British Embassy, and The Diana Award royal charity. He is a Board Member of QLS for which he has organised many award-winning projects. Frederick has been a guest speaker at international conferences and his campaign was showcased at the British Ambassador's Residence as part of Queen Elizabeth’s 2017 birthday celebrations. In 2023, he received the UK Kindness in Education Award.

Anna Karanikola

An English teacher /kindergarten teacher, I have two schools on the island of Leros. I have been teaching for 31 years, not only going strong, but still learning. I am very proud to say that my school was the first school in Greece to open its doors and arms to refugee children and adults, and I am also proud that my school is the first pet-friendly school in Greece.

Αναστασία Καραογλάνη

Γεννήθηκε και μεγάλωσε στη Θεσσαλονίκη. Είναι μητέρα δυο ανδρών και γιαγιά δυο κοριτσιών. Σπούδασε Αγγλική Φιλολογία στο ΑΠΘ. Επιμορφώθηκε στην επιστημονική διδασκαλία της αγγλικής γλώσσας. Εξειδικεύθηκε στην επικοινωνιακή μέθοδο. Ίδρυσε και δίδαξε στα Κέντρα Ξένων γλωσσών Καραογλάνη του εκπαιδευτικού ομίλου Καραογλάνη-Δημητριάδη στο Ωραιόκαστρο Θεσσαλονίκης από το 1982, όπου προσφέρει και σήμερα, αμισθί, ως σύμβουλος εκπαίδευσης. Γράφει ποίηση, διηγήματα και θέατρο. Το 2023, το έργο της ΠΙΝΤΕΡ , ανέβηκε στην Θεσσαλονίκη. Έχει εκδώσει τέσσερα βιβλία.

Anastasia Lagiopoulou

Anastasia is a teacher educator and a language school owner in Greece. She has graduated with Honours from Eastern Washington University with a degree in Teaching English as a Second Language. During this period, she worked as an instructor at the English Language Dept. at EWU. As a teacher, she has always been exploring and experimenting with new ideas and approaches to teaching the language. For her, language is the means. . .

Georgia Papas

Georgia Papas, Language School owner, Director of Studies and English teacher for 35 years. Current QLS President since 2018. Former Deputy Mayor and City Council Member for 9 years in Alimos. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Economics from Northeastern University and an MBA in Human Resource Management from the University of Illinois. An avid storyteller.


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