About Us

The Company
ETC seminar participants develop an overall awareness of what it really means to be a teacher, the most important aspect of which is a deep awareness of teaching as well as of self-development.
Suzanne Antonaros and Lilika Couri are a team of professional teacher trainers with over 35 years experience in teaching and administration both in Greece and abroad. In 1984, they established EDUCATIONAL & TRAINING CONSULTANTS, re-named EDUCATIONAL & TRAINING CONCEPTS, AMKE (ETC) in 2019, which was the first EFL teacher training and consultancy company in the private sector in Greece. ETC offers a wide variety of seminars, courses and in-service teacher training programs designed for the EFL professional. These may be teachers who have never had any training and/or experience, school owners who feel the need for further training or exposure to new techniques, young people who have made a career decision and are interested in education, learner psychology, etc., as well as experienced teachers and school managers who are eager to learn more.
Teacher education offers foreign language teachers the opportunity to develop a sense of professionalism: a sense of pride in their profession and a sense of confidence in their creativity. ETC seminar participants develop an overall appreciation of what it really means to be a teacher, the most important aspect of which is a deep awareness of teaching as well as of self-development. Any kind of training should also promote the idea of sharing and caring between both the teachers themselves and teachers and learners.
ETC courses are distinguished by their diversity, as Suzanne and Lilika look at foreign language education in Greece globally: children, teenagers, adult learners, directors of study, school managers and secretaries as well as parents have their special needs and “play” their special part in the repertoire of the seminars offered.
Suzanne and Lilika believe in constant personal development, as well as in innovation: a teacher must know tradition, must be aware of new trends, but she must also create innovative ideas. Having this in mind, they themselves observe tradition and follow new trends, but they also seek to offer new ideas in teacher training. As a result, ETC has been a pioneer in initiating new concepts in teacher training. Thus, ETC has been developing online training courses and consultancies since 2017. In addition, ETC offers September Guest Workshops and Courses conducted by experts within our TEFL world and connected fields (e.g. art teachers, voice coaches, physiotherapists, life-coaches), offering our clients a chance to broaden their base for self-improvement.
Some of ETC’s guests have been internationally known guest trainers/authors such as Mario Rinvolucri, Herbert Puchta, Carolyn Graham, Anne Lief Barlin, John Morgan, Jim Wingate, Sheilagh Deller, Micheline Flak and Eleni Livaniou to co-animate with them and to offer Courses on Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Theater Show Production, Learning Through Movement and Music, Creative Chants in the Classroom, Yoga in Education, Dealing with Learning Differences, Psychology and Posture Integration, English for Academic Purposes, etc.
ETC has collaborated, independently, with a number of private educational organizations and institutions as well as public school systems and agencies. Suzanne and Lilika actively participate in volunteer associations and programs promoting professional language teaching and multiculturalism. Since the Spring of 1995, ETC has been collaborating with the English Language & Literature Department of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens and its Research Centre (RCEL), especially the PEAP online teacher training program.