
Lilika Couri

I see life as a learning workshop. Each seminar I have attended or have conducted is a step toward my personal and professional development and self-awareness.
“While we teach, we learn.” — Seneca

Lilika Couri did her undergraduate and graduate work in the United States as a Fulbright scholar. She holds a B.A. degree in English from Winthrop College, S.C., and an M.A. in English from The Pennsylvania State University. She has had extensive EFL teaching, teacher training, administrative and foreign language school management and program development experience in the USA and in Greece.

Lilika taught literature at the English Department of the University of Colorado (1969 – 1975), and was Associate Academic Director of The Hellenic-American Union (1975 – 1982). She was Foreign Language Advisor and Deputy Director of the National Center of Public Administration and of the National School of Public Administration from 1986-90. From 1985-91, Lilika was Special Assistant to the President at the University of Thessaly, Greece, and was involved in the academic organization of the university, the foreign language program and in public relations. From 1992 – 1997, she coordinated and implemented an innovative foreign language program at the Primary Education Department of Democritus University of Thrace in Alexandroupolis, Greece.

As co-director of EDUCATIONAL & TRAINING CONCEPTS and of THE TEACHING THEATER GROUP FOR CHILDREN, she has conducted teacher training seminars in Greece, the UK, Turkey, the Balkan countries and Kazakhstan since 1984. Since 1994 she has been conducting teacher training seminars for the University of Athens Department of English and has been collaborating with its RCEL research center. She is co-author of On Stage, 1 (S. Antonaros, Athens, 1997) and of Playway to English Pre-Junior and Playway to English Junior A (Suzanne Antonaros, Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross), Cambridge University Press & Edition Helbling, 1997 & 2000. With Suzanne Antonaros she has co-authored Teaching Young Learners: Action Songs, Chants and Games, Teachers’ Resource Book and Portfolios 1, 2, 3, Express Publishing, 2003, the Teacher’s Basic Tools-EFL Methodology Updated: Making Our Lessons Memorable and The Teacher As Manager, Express Publishing, 2009 and Αγγλική Γραματική στα Ελλήνικα – English Grammar in Greek, (with S. Antonaros, N. Konstantakis, M. Makra, P. Masoura and M. Pavli) Perugia, 2014.

A founding member of TESOL Greece and of the Fulbright Alumni Association of Greece, Lilika has served on the Boards of both associations as chair and member respectively.